TRADITIONS for Your Marriage and Family w/ Pastor Paul and Lori Elder

You’ll hear a snippet of a story in the very beginning about a broken man (warning: it’s about a man who pulled the trigger with a gun held to his head)... and then the beauty that came from this brokenness when he committed to intentionally building his marriage and family. In this episode, Pastor Paul and Lori Elder (pastor in Pueblo, CO for 30+ years) teach us practical tips about building traditions in our marriage and family — whether we come from intact families or from broken homes. The “I love your more than ______” is a tradition that Pastor Paul and Lori Elder have done in their marriage and with their kids for decades. “Our intention with that was to instill the idea that love for one another is greater than things,” he said. And then she added, “You can make anything a tradition — just something that you repeat, that the kids know is going to happen.” From ways to read Chinese fortune cookies to Totino pizzas in a mini oven, to the very traditions that bind us together as a church family — this episode is chock-full of practical traditions and spiritual insight for your marriage and family. Book Recommendations from Team Elder: Creative Correction The Book of Virtues Zeal without Burnout "Mary Did You Know" - by the Elder Family   Stay in conversation with us on IG: @dearyoungmarriedcouple or on our website:   P.S. Here are the links to the marriage card decks we talk about in the episode: FOUNDATIONS: SEXPECTATIONS: REALIZATIONS: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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