2021 Update: How to Claim Your PDUs

Starting in January 2021, many of you reached out to us, wondering why you weren't able to claim a PDU for listening to PM Point of View® episodes. The short answer: You CAN continue to claim PDUs. But the process has changed. Listen to Kendall's explanation or read below. And if you have any problems, contact us via our website: www.mpoweredstrategies.com. Thank you for listening. (And for keeping it in scope and getting it done!)  UPDATE: Due to changes at PMI’s CCR System, for those claiming PDUs at PMI.com: be sure to choose the fourth option, “Online or Digital Media,” in the Report PDUs page. MANUALLY ENTER provider code# 4634 and select “M Powered Strategies,”   MANUALLY ENTER the name of the episode in the course field Enter the date that you listened to the podcast Be sure to select the appropriate option, Leadership/Strategic/Technical in the Talent Triangle at the bottom of the page Check the box to confirm the validity of your submission Hit “Submit.”  This will work for all published one-hour episodes.  

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