Howdy, Partner: Seahorse Life

Seahorses are seriously interesting creatures! Learn more about these fish as we breathe, move, and relax together.  A core part of Peace Out is social-emotional learning. Today we talk about how we can check in with our family and friends during this challenging time.  We also introduce Alternate Nostril Breathing, a pranayama (yogic breathing) practice that has a lot of benefits. As we are explaining it over audio only here, we will do a simplified version of the hand movement to keep things simple. I hope I’ve explained it clearly in the episode, but you may want to take a look at our resources to get the visual explanation of the concept.  If you and your children are interested, I’ve included a couple of YouTube video links showing the proper hand movement and also another simpler version for kids.  Before you listen, it might be a good idea to make sure there are no stuffy noses and wash hands as we will be touching our face during this exercise. Then wash hands afterwards too. ???? Stay well and take care, everyone.  Today’s Themes Scientific (curriculum connections): seahorse life cycle Social-emotional connections: emotional literacy and connection  Resources 7 Wild Facts You May Not Know about Seahorses (Ocean Conservancy)  10 Things You Never Knew About Seahorses (Smithsonian) 3 Reasons Why Everyone Should Try Alternate Nostril Breathing (Mind Body Green Health) Balance Breath (Alternative Nostril) for Parents and Classrooms (Fablefy)- YouTube video for kids Alternate Nostril Breathing for Kids (Donna Freeman)- YouTube video offering a simpler two-hand option  Why not listen to more of Peace Out from Bedtime FM Drop us an email to, or follow us on Facebook or Twitter

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