996: Dreaming With Community by Danae Smith of This Wondrous Life on Being Open About Your Hopes and Dreams

Danae Smith of This Wondrous Life talks about the value of sharing your dreams with your community and loved ones.

Episode 996: Dreaming With Community by Danae Smith of This Wondrous Life on Being Open About Your Hopes and Dreams

Danae Smith is East Coast born and raised, but a West Coast girl at heart, She is the founder of This Wondrous Life, a lifestyle blog, rooted in pursuing a life lived simply, slowly, and with community.

Over the years, Danae has found her heart pulled so strongly towards living a slower, more simple life. In a time where we are inundated with the message of instant gratification; where success is defined by numbers and accolades, and social media has begun to define how we live our lives, She desires to build a space and create a culture that shows another way---a more simple and slow approach to life.

The original post is located here: https://thiswondrouslife.com/twl/dreaming-with-community

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