The New Rule for Advanced Lifters & The Fitness Teeter Totter

Why working out every other day has massive advantages, the problem with virtue signaling, how to choose your trade-offs for a fit – but not restrictive – life, and what your social media says about your relationship commitment.
A quote from Dr. Laura, "life is a trade-off," hit home for me. If we start thinking about our current level of fitness as a choice we've made (or a trade-off for something else) instead of just the result of bad luck or an aging body, then we'll have way more control over our circumstances.
The truth is, when we're not as strong, lean, or muscular as we'd like to be, it's usually because we've chosen to prioritize something else. Even if we *think* we haven't. So is there a way to put the emphasis back on the goal? And is the goal even worth it given the trade-offs or sacrifices?
1. How young will a face lift make you look? STUDY
2. What surprising food blood pressure? STUDY
3. Why do video games lead to life success? STUDY
4. What behavior indicates you're in a committed relationship? ARTICLE
5. What habit is a good indication of a bad personality? STUDY
A new article is making waves because it suggests that lifters over 40 ought not train consecutive days in a row. What are your thoughts? This perspective is a hard pill to swallow at first but in practice the advice has worked out well for both of us. Here are the five other rules that Coach Thibaudeau suggests in the article: 6 Rules for Over-40 Lifters
Beat bloating and stomach upset with Atrantil: HERE
Pass the army fitness test and try Chris's new favorite exercise, the leg tuck: HERE

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