#83 Ragu Gu Dolls

Support the podkitchen and check out the Braised Bits Patreon! patreon.com/braisedbits 00:00-00:30 - Jesse reads an ad for Chris Paul, John Wall and Paul Walls homemade basketballs. 00:30- 1:55 - The chefs dip into a fresh episode of Braised Bits and begin a bidding war among their advertisers.  1:55- 3:30- The chefs discuss the significance of the number 83 and how it Jay feelys to be face to face in the podkitchen. 3:30- 5:18 - Jesse and Lance boxer briefly reminisce about the previous Jason Days Braised Friendly golf outing at Marine Chan Ho Park. 5:18-10:11 - Jesse gets Sandra Bullock blindsided by Lance and the podnemesis Eric Seidell who creepily snuck into watch Jesse perform on a show without him being Demarcus aware. 10:11- 16:08 - The chefs talk again about the Braised Friendly golf outing and how it went playing with a manic at the disco Russel Wilson.  16:08- 17:46 - Lance chers that he had a delicious meal Hirsch with Zachary Shnackery and how his yoga instructor told him to get to know his body. 17:46- 53:51 - The chefs Joe List their top nine pasta dishes. 53:51-58:55 - Phil Jackson and Kate predict the chefs top nine. 58:55- 1:02:44 - Jesse rehash browns his Lisa fee Lings about Seidell lurking in the shadows for his QAB. 1:02:44-1:05:32- Lances QAB had him having to David Diehl with a couple of scam Newtons at a comedy show.  1:05:32- 1:05:53 - The chefs bring in the closer and promote what they having coming up.

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