It's Time to Take Control of the Way You Communicate

While you may not realize it, the way you communicate affects every area of your life. From your job and your career to your personal relationships and friendships, you're constantly communicating. If you're not a skilled communicator that is an awful lot of opportunities for things to go wrong for you.

Many people aren’t good at communicating. That’s because they’re using bad communication skills without even realizing it. 

There are five basic communication approaches and understanding them can be incredibly helpful when it comes to improving your communication. We are going to look at aggressive communicators, passive communicators, passive-aggressive communicators, manipulative communicators, and assertive communicators. A great way of looking at the different styles is through human behaviors.

Five styles of communicators:

  • Aggressive communicators
  • Passive communicators
  • Passive-aggressive communicators
  • Manipulative communicators
  • Assertive communicators

Reviewing these five styles of communication can smack you in the face with some uncomfortable truths. You may realize you’ve been using a communication style that isn’t creating what you want in your relationships. Hang on, that's ok. You can't fix something you won't face.

Keep in mind that the purpose of learning your communication style isn’t to beat yourself up for any perceived failures or flaws. Rather, the goal here is to learn how to embrace a healthier and more confident communication style.

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