TAP033, The Case for Outlining, Outlining Pitfalls, and Overcoming Writing Obstacles

Before I dive into discussing how to outline a novel or the planning phase of writing, I thought it would be best to ask an obvious but nonetheless important question.

Is outlining a good idea? Depending upon who you listen to, you will hear conflicting advice. Some authors will say in order to write quicker, you need to ditch the outlining phase. While others abide by the age-old saying, "fail to plan, plan to fail."

So which option is best for you?

In this episode, I will share the things you need to consider, an important question that you need to ask yourself, a piece of advice that you need to keep in mind, and my recommendations for new writers. On top of this, I talk about the downsides of creating an outline in order to give you a balanced and somewhat unbiased answer to this age-old question.

Podcasts, Books, and Tools Mentioned

Check Out the Show Notes

The Previous Episode

Writing into the Dark (Workshop)

Writing into the Dark (eBook) *

Writing into the Dark (Paperback) *

Book Review by AuthorLevel Up on Writing into the Dark: Write a book without an outline!

The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg (Audiobook) *

The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg (Paperback) *

The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg (eBook) *

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My Novella, Missing 

The Candidate

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