Equipping Educators to Navigate AI

Stein Brunvand talks about equipping educators to navigate artificial intelligence (AI) on episode 498 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. Quotes from the episode When a novice teacher might observe a more experienced teacher, they're not always going to notice the kinds of decisions that the teacher is making that aren't verbalized. -Stein Brunvand It's not so much about learning a specific tool, but being open to learning what's available to you and using what you have available to you to try to improve the learning experience. -Stein Brunvand Let’s learn how can we be flexible and adaptable so that we can roll with whatever is available to us. -Stein Brunvand Resources University of Michigan Committee to explore applications of generative AI Generative Artificial Intelligence Committee Report; University of Michigan UM-D Scholar in Residence Page on Teaching in Higher Ed ISTE AI Explorations Program

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