EP20: When Should You Hire Your Next Employee?

Hey, it's Michael Rozbruch here, Creator of the Tax Resolution, Domination System and ToolKit and Founder of Roz Strategies.

And when is the best time to hire your next or new employee?

When is the best time to hire your newest team member?

OK, the best time to hire somebody is when you least can afford it, because if you're a solopreneur and you're a one-on-paper hander and everything revolves around you where you are the bottleneck and you're doing everything in your firm, you don't have a business.

You have a high paying job.

OK, to have a business, you need systems. You need predictable systems.

You also need to have people that you can delegate some functions to free up your time.

Because if you're a business owner, you should be spending most of your day generating leads and talking to qualified prospects, not actually working IN your business.

You should be working ON your business, and in order to do that, you need help meet team members that you can delegate to.

So when should you do that? 

When should you hire that person? 

When you least can't afford it.

Because something magical happens when someone is on payroll and you need to make that payroll every Friday or every other Friday, you start figuring things out on how to bring revenue into your firm.

It's very, very interesting what happens when you have someone on payroll.

All the things that you put on paper last month or the month before that you were going to do all of a sudden become top of the priority list and you start marketing and you start bringing in revenue.

The other thing too, is people ask me all the time, Michael, where can I find? Where do I recruit? How do I find my next new employee?

Now, this is counterintuitive because I don't recommend using ZipRecruiter.

I don't recommend using Indeed.

I don’t recommend using LinkedIn.

Here’s what I do recommend.

You have a plethora of emails from your other clients and previous clients. Use your current database as a jumping off point with the subject line could be: We’re expanding…

And put it in a small description of the type of person you're looking for, because I bet you that one of the people in your database, one of the people in your world, could be a current client, could be an associate.

It could be a referral source that knows just the perfect person they have in mind that would be a great fit for you and your business.

So that's the tip for this video and we'll see on the next one.

If you want to learn more about the lucrative nature of tax resolution, click on the link (https://www.rozstrategies.com/live-training/) for some free training resources that I'd like to provide to you—tax resolution as a way for you to generate profits and cash flow all year round.

And on this free training, I teach you where to find clients that have tax problems, how to attract them to you, how to take them through the initial consultation, what to charge for certain resolution alternatives, and how to collect that money all on this free training.

So if you want to learn more, if you want to gain more profits, more cash flow during the year and stop doing just cheap tax returns,

Click on the link (https://www.rozstrategies.com/live-training/) , and I'll see you on the other side.

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