Building Bitcoin Beach Wallet - Nicolas Burtey

My guest is Nicolas Burtey, Co-founder and CEO of Galoy Money the company behind the BitcoinBeach wallet that has been used since 2020 and was thrust into the spotlight, when La Ley Bitcoin (the “Bitcoin Law”) was passed in El Salvador in June 2021. We're discussing the possibilities for communities to use bitcoin with a focus on shared custody and the learnings from starting BitcoinBeach. Thanks to the Human Rights Foundation (, LEDN ( and okcoin ( for enabling the "Bitcoin for Fairness" series. ----------- Live on Crypto with Bitrefill ---------- and ---------- (L)earn Bitcoin - Become Financially Sovryn (available in English, Spanish, German) A beginners guide to self-sovereignty ----------- Like it? My work is open and free to use. If you value my work and would like to send me a tip, they are always appreciated! ---------- Anita Posch is author of the book (L)earn Bitcoin, host of the Anita Posch show and Bitcoin advocate and solopreneur. She is a member of the board at Bitcoin Austria - an educational non-profit organization. Anita translated two volumes of "The Internet of Money" by Andreas M. Antonopoulos to German. Her research and activities around Bitcoin are discussed in media all over the world: Bitcoin Magazine, CoinDesk, German radio and television. ---------- Follow and Subscribe: Anita's weekly newsletter: Twitter: YouTube: ---------- #Bitcoin #Education

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