69. Caryn Peiffer on social norms and anti-corruption messages

00:00: Introduction and the beginnings of Caryn’s interest in corruption in Africa 04:24: Caryn discusses the principle agent problem from her paper “Corruption and collective action” with Heather Marquette (https://www.cmi.no/publications/5544-corruption-and-collective-action) 12:00: Caryn recognises three lenses of viewing corruption and fits them together: principle agent theory, collective action theory, and the functionality of corruption in solving problems 16:00: How to (not) craft messages against corruption, the effectiveness of awareness efforts, and combating corruption fatigue 21:36: The effects of addressing religious affiliations in anti-corruption messages, versus using community driven signalling or nationalist messages 23:36: Caryn’s study in Lagos: understanding corruption through a simulated bribery game (https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/american-political-science-review/article/curse-of-good-intentions-why-anticorruption-messaging-can-encourage-bribery/CE180F511D68B5A4D14904ACFA3728F4) 25:48: A positive take on anti-corruption messaging: how using injunctive norms can be beneficial (Paper by Mattias Agerberg https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/gove.12633) 30:02: The long term impact of anti-corruption messaging 34:40: Caryn discusses her study in South Africa researching the reduction of police bribery in the Limpopo province (https://dro.dur.ac.uk/29110/) 41:43 Reducing bribery amongst Ugandan healthcare workers and the functionality of bribery in this sector (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/dpr.12533) 46:10: Caryn asks, what is our aim of reducing corruption? 50:00: Caryn’s pick of the podcast: an anti-corruption board game, Afghan street art, Kenyan graffiti artists, and more

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