Guest Edition: Bijal Vachharajani + Children’s Books

We’re baaaack!

Let’s go on a whimsical storytime adventure with The Lit Pickers as Deepanjana sits down to chat about kid lit, reading as grown-ups, and the power of the fantastical imagination with award-winning author and editor Bijal Vachharajani. From giggles and comfort reads, to the question of who should have a seat at the literary table, these two long-time friends and collaborators have a lot to discuss. Demi-gods, fairy tales, picture books — there’s all kinds of magic in this episode.    


You can find Supriya Nair at @supriyanair and Deepanjana Pal at @dpanjana on Instagram. 


If you have any books, reading or literature-related questions, please email us at 


For a list of all the books mentioned in the season so far, check out:


This is a Maed In India Production; check us out at

Creative Director: Mae Mariyam Thomas

Project Manager: Shaun Fanthome

Head of Audio: Kartik Kulkarni

Producer: Meghna Gulati 

Sound Editor: Lakshman Parsuram

Artwork: Alika Gupta


Theme Music: Easy Wanderlings - Here’s to You

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