Episode 242 -Venus is her Name

Blether - Venus

Wallendorf Venus by Trishagurumi, Venus de Milo by Sara Elizabeth Kellner, Venus Fly Trap by Micheal Hon, Venus Planet by Professor and the Bandit.

Helen Hue - Venus from Knitty Fall 2008, Knitig Venus Vest, Maya Walton Sailor Venus Jumper.

Venus Rising Shawl by Boo Knits, Brigit Freyer Venus half pie shawl.

Wots e Craic - Knitajourney Chit Chat

Hello Section

Me Me Me - Riddari by Vedis Jonsdottir

Gromit - Louise Watling

Contact me on caithnesscraftcollective@gmail.com Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram as CaithnessCraft  www.caithnesscraftcollective.podbean.com

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