273. Tackling the Student Mental Health Crisis in our Classrooms: Featuring Charle Peck

Embark on a crucial episode with the insightful Charle Peck as we explore the urgent need to address the mental health crisis in schools. Charle shares profound insights on managing our own mental health while fostering more effective responses to students. Uncover the reasons behind the current mental health challenges and discover immediate relief strategies for both staff and students. Charle introduces the valuable School Mental Health Audit, a free resource available on ThrivingEducator.org. Gain essential knowledge and practical tools to create a healthier, more supportive educational environment. Tune in now for this important and vital conversation! About Charle Peck: Charle Peck is the co-creator of Thriving School Community, a revolutionary program designed for schools to improve mental health. She holds an MS in Education and an MS in Social Work as a 20+ year veteran in education (K-12). As a global keynote speaker, she delivers powerful messages of hope to educators and facilitates meaningful professional development. Charle successfully equips school staff with practical tools to mitigate teacher burnout and the youth mental health crisis providing relief to schools all across the country. Her unique lens as a high school teacher turned clinical therapist specializing in trauma makes her stories relevant and captivating to educators struggling in today’s system. You can purchase her book “Improving School Mental Health: The Thriving School Community Solution” on Amazon and connect with her on X @CharlePeck.

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Additional Resource - School Mental Health Audit: Free resource on ThrivingEducator.org https://www.amazon.com/Improving-School-Mental-Health-Community/dp/B0BTS3MN2P?crid=EIKAGWZ4V006&keywords=charle+peck&qid=1705780803&sprefix=charle+peck%2Caps%2C181&sr=8-1&linkCode=ll1&tag=aspirewebsite-20&linkId=6456f4f1bc2440be71d094a5d14656a4&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl Are you a superfan of the Aspire podcast? Well, now you can show off your support with the new Aspire swag, featuring tee shirts, hoodies and a variety of drinkware. You can find all your Aspire Swag at www.teachbetter.com/swag Use Discount Code: ASPIRE for 25% OFF Tee-Shirts, Hoodies, and Drinkware: ASPIRE: The Leadership Development Podcast Supporting the Podcast!

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