Leading Through Learning: Mark Ford's Journey from Yorkshire to Dubai

From the windswept moors of Yorkshire to the sun-kissed sands of Dubai, Mark Ford's journey as a principal is as extraordinary as it is enlightening. Please pull up a chair alongside Leisa Grace as we traverse Mark's fascinating voyage through the world of education and leadership in our Behind the Principal's Desk series. 

His story is filled with insights on how education is flourishing in the Middle East and peppered with tales of his own competitive spirit that once aimed for tennis stardom and rocked the music scene.

Feel the heartbeat of the English College, Dubai, where confidence blooms and community ties are as strong as the desert sun is bright. In our candid discussion, we uncover the secret ingredients that craft such a vibrant educational culture. 

This episode is a mosaic of inspiration, gratitude, and the heartfelt community spirit that defines the English College. Join us and see what sets our haven of education apart in the bustling city of Dubai.

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Hosted by Leisa Grace Wilson

Connect with Leisa Grace:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/leisagrace

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/leisagrace/

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