I sold my business - a series. Part 1: The moment I knew something had to change & what I did about it

"I knew at that moment I was going to sell it. That's what I wanted. I didn't want to run it forever. I was never going to close it down. And I didn't want to maintain ownership if it wasn't going to be under my jurisdiction. I wanted to have that story of an exited founder and sell my company."

Today on The SimplyBe. Podcast:

  • Jessica's major announcement of selling The SimplyBe. Agency
  • Exploring options: Lifestyle business, successor, or selling
  • Strategic growth and scaling to prepare the company for sale
  • Personal rebirth and unhooking from the matrix in Egypt
  • The decision to sell and envisioning the future path

Follow Jessica:

This show is produced by Soulfire Productions

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