274. The 4 Pillars of a Trauma Responsive ISS: Featuring Johnathan Cranford

Explore the transformative world of school discipline with the latest episode, "The 4 Pillars of a Trauma Responsive ISS," featuring the insightful Johnathan Cranford. We unravel the inefficiencies of traditional In-School Suspension (ISS) programs and explore the blueprint for a successful academic and trauma responsive ISS room. Join us as we delve into trauma-informed strategies within ISS, providing practical insights for fostering a supportive environment. We also unveiled the launch of "The Art of In-School Suspension," a cutting-edge Digital PD Course designed to revolutionize your approach to ISS. Tune in for a dynamic conversation that promises to reshape your perspective on disciplinary practices in your school! In this Episode, we also discuss:

  • Effective practices to collaborate with staff
  • Goals to increase student academics in ISS
  • And Johnathan’s The Art of In-School-Suspension book

About Johnathan Cranford Johnathan has seven years of experience as a special education teacher at a therapeutic campus for students with emotional disturbance and five more years as an in-school suspension teacher. After discovering how in-school suspension programs are failing to meet the needs of our most at-risk students, Johnathan created a trauma-informed in-school suspension program to address the current disciplinary, academic, and restorative requirements of our student populations. After successfully establishing ISS programs on multiple campuses, he made the decision to create a roadmap for others to follow in his latest book The Art of In-School Suspension. 

Follow Johnathan Cranford: 

https://www.amazon.com/Art-School-Suspension-Discipline-Benefits/dp/B0B7QHWZ73?crid=3ESTVVP2E6KWB&keywords=jonathan+cranford+iss+book&qid=1706484168&sprefix=johnathan+cranford+iss+book%2Caps%2C137&sr=8-2-fkmr0&linkCode=ll1&tag=aspirewebsite-20&linkId=4b668e03028e91ae72ad03f462a3d013&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl -- Are you a superfan of the Aspire podcast? Well, now you can show off your support with the new Aspire swag, featuring tee shirts, hoodies and a variety of drinkware. You can find all your Aspire Swag at www.teachbetter.com/swag Use Discount Code: ASPIRE for 25% OFF Tee-Shirts, Hoodies, and Drinkware: ASPIRE: The Leadership Development Podcast   Supporting the Podcast! Have you ever thought about supporting the Aspire to Lead podcast? For just $5 a month, you can help me continue to create and produce valuable content for aspiring leaders in education. I understand that everyone has their own preferences and budgets, so if $5 a month...

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