20-Minute Hate

Admittedly, this got a bit longer than 20 minutes. Sorry. Get ready for some venting as we unleash our inner literary haters. Serving up a platter of literary pet peeves, we’re adding the vinegar to our customary Turkish eggs. Join the discussion as we dissect what really grinds our bibliophilic gears. Because, despite our true love for all things books, sometimes we really can get picky. 


You can find Supriya Nair at @supriyanair and Deepanjana Pal at @dpanjana on Instagram. 


If you have any books, reading or literature-related questions, please email us at contact@maed.in. 


For a list of all the books mentioned in the season so far, check out: https://thelitpickers.fanlink.to/books


This is a Maed In India Production; check us out at www.maedinindia.in

Creative Director: Mae Mariyam Thomas

Project Manager: Shaun Fanthome

Head of Audio: Kartik Kulkarni

Producer: Meghna Gulati 

Sound Editor: Lakshman Parsuram

Artwork: Alika Gupta


Theme Music: Easy Wanderlings - Here’s to You

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