Lawyers Need To Invest In Professional Development with Elise Holtzman - Episode 164

Kathryn interviewed Elise Holtzman, President of The Lawyer’s Edge, who shares her journey from pre-med to law and discusses challenges faced by lawyers. She highlights the pressure being overwhelming leading to visible stress, but advises breaking down goals into smaller achievable tasks. Elise also points out that self-doubts often block individuals from expressing their needs or setting boundaries, and stresses the need to ignore such doubts as they are not based on reality. She encourages lawyers to seek help when stuck and to realize that progress requires new skills and habits, even if changing these seems hard.



  • Why Elise decided to move from medical school to law school
  • The idea of conducting "mini experiments” and trying a few new things like learning to delegate more or showing up with solutions rather than just problems.
  • Law firms' responsibility to communicate their expectations upfront to their associates and to give them a clear roadmap for professional development
  • Ways individuals can develop a macro perspective on their legal career while dealing with daily tasks, such as finding quiet time to reflect or discussing with a friend
  • Spending time with like-minded individuals who can provide motivation and support in aspiring career advancements
  • The challenges of being stuck in a rut in the legal field and suggests making small changes to gradually improve the situation
  • The importance of pacing oneself and not trying to make dramatic changes all at once
  • The mental roadblocks or "gremlins" that prevent people from making much-needed changes in their careers

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