Midwinter Treasures

Gypsy and Amanda talk about their latest adventures.
Book give away and possibly more!

Treasure Vortex took over All Metal Mode Podcast Jan. 2022.

Co-hosts are Gypsy Jewels:
Website- https://gypsydigs.com/
tiktok- https://vm.tiktok.com/TTPdrSw2aL/
Youtube- https://youtube.com/c/ZeroDiscrimination
Instagram- https://instagram.com/gypsies_jewels?utm_medium=copy_link

And Amanda Digger Degaz
Tiktok- https://vm.tiktok.com/TTPdrSc6cx/
Youtube- https://youtube.com/c/ADiggerDeGaz
Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=op1wgcfzm9mc&utm_content=40kz54

Treasure Vortex Facebook group- https://www.facebook.com/groups/treasurevortex/?ref=share

Theme Music by Porks and Beans
Ian Loch- Guitar, Bass, Train Whistle
Ron Gallant- Vocals, Drums, Washboard
Jon Hernandez- Banjo, Mouth harp

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