Willie Bell - World Champion Powerlifter

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What's 5' 10" and 245 lbs., squats 865, benches 523, deadlifts 832, consumes 12,000 calories a day including 16-hamburgers and chews Gatorade gum to make weight before a meet? The one and only, Willie Bell. Lots of great musings today and a glimpse into the training and diet at the career peak of the first man in the US Armed Forces to total over 2,000 lbs. Don't miss this one!

Check back weekly for best powerlifting articles by Marty Gallagher where Marty discusses everything from the squat, deadlift, bench press, overhead press and even historical bodybuilding musings. His latest article "Putting A Finer Point On Resistance Training"  is up now. 

And don't forget the Jim Steel strength training articles combining his head strength coach experience from the University of Pennsylvania for twenty years with decades of successful powerlifting meets and bodybuilding competitions for us all to learn from and enjoy. His latest article "Weightlifting - The Little Things Are A Big Deal" is up now. 

And if you're looking for a personal trainer in Charlotte, NC  check out KB Fitness for custom programming and verifiable results.

Thanks for listening and if you like what you hear please give us a review on your favorite podcast player.

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