Chakras & Tantra: Where do I belong? Who am I? (1st & 3rd chakras)

In this new series, we are looking at the chakras through a tantric lens. There are hundreds of books on chakras out there, but my goal in creating this series was to bring them back into the body and our lived experience. My goal was see these magical and mysterious centers of energy as they are expressed in our bodies.

In this episode, Mark Fleming comes back to the podcast to talk about our root chakra, where we belong, and how the over- or under-expression of that chakra can impact us in significant ways. We also discuss its connection to the third chakra in the belly and how all of the chakras are associated with organs of action and organs of perception.

Mark Fleming has studied with Swami Ravi Rudra Bharati for over 20 years. His expertise on the chakras and how they express in the body cannot be overstated.

Mark has been one of my primary teachers for the last two years and it an honor and a joy to be able to bring his wisdom back to this podcast. Thank you, Mark.

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