UFYB 333: Greatest Hits: Ghost Patterns - Anxiety, Fixation & Survival

Do you ever find yourself fixating on something that you thought you’d already resolved? No matter how long you’ve been practicing thought work, you’ve most likely experienced this in some area of your life. I know I have. So today, I want to share a concept that has really clicked for me in a new way recently and has given me so much relief.


Join me on this episode to hear what ghost thought patterns are and why they continue to haunt you, even after you’ve resolved the underlying thought problem. You’ll learn why our brains are in the habit of misdiagnosing threats to our survival, and a simple tool that will help you redirect your thoughts when your primitive brain engages in old, unhelpful patterning.


Get full show notes and more information here: https://schoolofnewfeministthought.com/333

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