The Path to $10K Months as a Career Coach

The Path to $10K Months as a Career Coach

    • Input: Types of services offered (resume writing, interview prep, career strategy sessions, etc.), the estimated time spent per service, and the desired hourly rate.
    • Calculations: Monthly/annual income projections based on different service mixes and client volumes.
    • Additional Features: Consider including scenario planning options (e.g., "What if I add a group coaching program?") and the ability to track actual income against projections.

6 Emails You Can Send Today to Get Clients

  • Focus: This likely refers to an email sequence designed to attract and convert potential clients. Here's a possible structure:
    1. Introduction: Catchy subject line, brief intro to your value proposition.
    2. Pain Point Focus: Address a common challenge faced by your target audience.
    3. Case Study/Testimonial: Share a client success story.
    4. Solution Offer: Highlight a specific service or mini-consultation offer.
    5. Limited Time/Availability: Create urgency.
    6. Clear Call-to-Action: Guide them to book a consultation or discovery call.

Marketing Plan

  • Essential Sections:
    • Target Audience: Define your ideal clients (industry, job level, pain points).
    • Competitive Analysis: What differentiates you from other career coaches?
    • Channels: Where to find your target clients (LinkedIn, job boards, niche communities, etc.).
    • Content Strategy: Blog posts, social media, webinars, free resources to establish expertise.
    • Budget & Timeline: Allocate resources and set milestones.

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