Episode 013 - Should you stay or should you go? Part 3 - Evaluating Your Values When Considering a Career Change

Hello, hello!

In today's episode, I want to  discuss how to use your values to create a career that aligns with who you are.

I want to show you that leveraging your core values can lead you to being happier at work.

We may not think about what our values are when thinking of our professional life but they can help us gain clarity and confidence.

  • Let's start by understanding what values are and why they matter. 

Our values are the deeply held beliefs and principles that guide our actions. They reflect what's most important to us and shape our perceptions of success, fulfillment, and purpose. When our career aligns with our values, we experience a sense of meaning and satisfaction that transcends mere job satisfaction.

  • So, how do our values influence our career choices? 

When you are not aware of your values, one of two things usually happens:

a- you’re  perfectly aligned and embody your values because they are second nature to you.

b- you don’t realize there’s a disconnect bc you’re not used to listening to your red flag signals. 

For example, let’s say you work in communication and value creativity, autonomy, and social impact. However, in your current role , you have little opportunity for creative expression, limited autonomy, and lack a clear sense of purpose. 
As a result, you might feel disengaged and unfulfilled.

To help my clients gain clarity around what they want I like to do a values assessment.
(You can grab a list of values on the web or go to this episode and download mine here)

Once you’ve identified your core values, you'll have a clearer guide to what you seek in your professional endeavors, when looking at responsibilities and job descriptions for example.

With this, you can also start evaluating your current career situation and start identifying areas of misalignment. From then, you can explore a variety of career paths that better reflect your values and aspirations. Think of exploring new job opportunities, pursuing additional education or training, or even starting a business.

Remember that it all starts with the thoughts you're having. Whether you like them or not, pay attention to what's going on in your brain.

Do you keep repeating yourself you're stuck or unsatisfied? Evaluate why you're thinking that? And be curious to figure out other ways to think about how someone else might look at your situation.

Finally, I invite your to do a little evaluation of your day (or week) and see how your values are reflected (or not) in the actions you've taken.

If not, what others might you see you're following without paying attention.
And decide what values you want to be yours.

Wishing you a beautiful weekend!
Without judgment,

Thanks for listening today!

I am Virginie Fite-Georgel and I help career changers and young professionals to unearth clarity, cultivate confidence, and unlock their unique potential.

If you want to know more, hop on a free call with me.

You can also share your takeaways with me on social here or there!

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