Episode 4: Subjunctive - I'm in the mood for ...

asset title: Episode 4: Subjunctive - I'm in the mood for ... filename: ra_04.mp3 track number: 4/22 time: 13:10 size: 10.80 MB bitrate: 112 kbps In this episode, 'I'm in the mood for ...,' we will talk about the 'moody' subjunctive. The most common use of the subjunctive is to express actions colored by emotion or doubt, rather than reported as matters of fact. The subjunctive mood is used in a dependent clause introduced by 'che' when the subject of the dependent clause is different from the one in the main clause. It is triggered by verbs in the main clause that we call WHEIRDO verbs. These are verbs that denote Wish or will, Hope, Emotion, Impersonal expressions, Recommendations, Doubt or denial, and Opinions. Pulcinella has written a special song for the subjunctive, an ode to unrequited love ('Tearful Spaghetti'). Let's listen ...DialogItalianLa canzone di Pulcinella 'Spaghetti alle lacrime'Il povero Pulcinellacrede che la vita sia bellama non sa cosa lo aspettaal veder Arlecchinetta.Quando la vedo sul palcoscenicocrederai ch'io diventi schizofrenicoIn quel momento leggendarioquando si alza il sipariomi pare che si tolga il tovaglioloper rivelare il raviolopiù squisito della terra.Nel mio cuor: effetto serra!Più deliziosa di Arlecchinettanon credo che pizza abbia fetta.Questo è sogno? o è fatto?Pulcinella, dai, sei mattoVoglio disperatamentedirle quanto io le voglio benema lei non sentenon vuole che le dica niente.Arlecchina, Arlecchina,quando sentirai il mio piantosaprai che il mio cuor è infranto.Per il dolor della mia anima spezzatanon c'è altro rimedio che una bella spaghettata.EnglishThe Song of Pulcinella 'Tearful Spaghetti'(A poetic translation, not word for word!) Poor little, little Pulcinellathinks that life is so stellarbut he doesn't know what's gonna comewhen he sees Arlecchinetta, she's the one!When I see her up on the stageI think I'm flying into a rageIn that moment so legendarywhen the curtain lifts heavenly it seems that it removes the wrappingto reveal the ravioli's delicate toppingmost exquisite throughout the globea deadly greenhouse effect on my soulMore delicious than my lovely Arlecchinettanot even the most delectable tomato on bruschetta Is this a dream, or is it really trueCome on, Pulcinella, don't be a foolI desperately want to sayhow much I love her every daybut she doesn't hear a thingshe wants that I tell her No-thing!Arlecchina, Arlecchina,...when you hear me cry and wailyou'll know that my heart's gonna failFor the pain of my broken soul and psychethere's no other remedy but a fine plate of spaghetti.

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