Chris Cusimano - Suit Up Agents

Real Estate has been the name of the game for Chris from the time he got out of High School. He’s been successful at building out that business and growing and running a team. What he wanted to do on the side however, was build out a course, and help generate some additional revenue utilizing the skillsets that he already had.

That’s where the One Funnel Away Challenge and ClickFunnels came in. Listen in today on how he became familiar with the ClickFunnels space (Perfect Webinar Script) and then what he learned from the books and other ClickFunnels offers that were out there.

You’ll find out how he was able to manage his time in the OFA Challenge and how he consumed the content throughout the journey. Find out what he was able to build out with his offer and how he implemented the Dream 100 (or in his case the Dream 300) into his business model.

Make sure to follow Chris and take advantage of his services:

Facebook: Suit Up Agents
Instagram: Chris Cusimano

If you want to take the next OFA Challenge, just head to

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