Connecting Authentically to Process Our Joy & Grief, w/Author Molly Stillman, 2w3 (2-8 Pairing)

Right now in our highly curated culture, individuals are desperately seeking authenticity, depth, and understanding together. This is because we all need connection as we process hard pieces of life and grief together if we want joy, love, and laughter to genuinely emerge from a healthy space. To tackle this huge topic with joy and depth both, Christa is joined by the highly authentic (and highly humorous) author and podcast host Molly Stillman (The Molly Stillman Show), author of the deeply personal account, If I Don't Laugh I'll Cry: How Death, Debt, and Comedy Led to a Life of Faith, Farming, and Forgetting What I Came into This Room For. Tune in to hear Molly's tips for other 2-8 couples and for all of us walking through communication issues, and life crises, including finances, losing parents, and potentially losing ourselves too, if we step into the light of connection and faith. Watch on YouTube! Purchase Link:  Website:  Social Media Links: To join our Enneagram and Marriage Collective membership group for more authenticity and vulnerability, join us here for only $29 a month for four extra pods a month, Zoom meetings, and more!! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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