8 Types of Rest That Are Key to Weightloss

Do you...

  • ...work around the clock?
  • ...take care of everybody but you?
  • ...always think you should be doing more?
  • ...feel guilty for taking breaks?

You're not alone. Many women only feel good about themselves when they're accomplishing shit. Especially you perfectionists out there.

And there's always a "next time" to get more done. You're tired, but instead of resting, you overeat to keep going. Then gain weight. And feel like crap. So you do more to feel better about yourself...

It's a never-ending cycle. 

What's the answer? Rest. Rest is essential for weightloss. And I'm not just talking about taking a nap.

Today's episode breaks down "The 8 Types of Rest That Are Key to Weightloss." You'll hear:

  • Why rest and self-care are essential for losing weight
  • What real rest does for your body
  • The 8 types of rest, including things you can try today
  • How to start believing you're more than what you do

Listen now to get some relief from the cycle of doing. You'll learn that when you allow yourself to rest -- and take actual breaks -- you'll also lose more weight. 

This is the stuff we work on in No BS. Taking care of ourselves (even if we feel guilty). Loving ourselves more. Learning how to lose weight in a way that works FOR us.

Are you tired of making weightloss another "to do" on your long list? 

Become a No BS woman today at JoinNoBS.com.

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