EFR 793: Mastering the Art of Attention and How to Live a More Focused and Fulfilling Life with Christian Madsbjerg

Ever find yourself navigating the maze of modern distractions, longing for a moment of true focus? Christian Madsberg, author of "Look: How to Pay Attention in a Distracted World," joins us to share practical strategies for cultivating the kind of attention that can enrich our lives. Christian introduces us to the concept of panoptic attention - a background focus that's as essential as it is often neglected. As we dissect skills that have become second nature and the cultural nuances that shape them, we uncover the profound impact of our attention's direction on who we become.

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In this episode we discuss...

(00:00) "Improving Focus and Attention in Distraction"

(14:02) Navigating Focus

(26:00) Leading With Observation, Not Opinion

(35:12) Learning From Behaviors to Predict the Future

(40:57) Distractions and Artificial Intelligence's Impact


Episode resources:

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