#25: Andrew Florence - (10+) Adventure-Based Counseling, 'Embodied' Processing, Head-Heart-Feet, Overthinking and Experiment

Andrew, with a background in social work, uses adventure-base counseling methodologies with groups of all ages. His primary focus is helping youth populations practice pro-social behaviors through team building experiences. Andrew shares some of his favorite processing tools and practices, how "The Five Dysfunctions of a Team" (Lencioni) can guide adult programming and advises "approaching everything as an experiment" to help us (team builders) learn and grow. We hope you join us!  Find all Show Notes and Episodes HEREThis podcast is another facet in a network of resources being developed in an ongoing effort to help team builders, all over the world, learn and grow: OnTeamBuilding Blog - Conversations about a variety of team building topics Ask Michelle a Chris About Team Building - Podcast for Team Builders FUNdoing - Activity Resources for Team Builders (Blog, Store, Trainings) FUNdoing Fridays - Bi-monthly email of activities (sign up form at this page) TeamBuilderPowerUps - A growing online school of resources for team builders YoungTeamBuilders - The voices of new team builders

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