The Truth about Supplements with Gary Binkow | #267

In this episode, Dr. Christian Gonzalez sits down with Gary Binko, co-founder of Swell Score, to dive deep into the state of the supplement industry. They discuss the rampant issues of counterfeit and poor quality supplements being sold, especially on platforms like Amazon. Gary shares the importance of doing your research, looking for third-party testing, and supporting transparent brands that prioritize quality and safety. The conversation then expands to tackle the concerning lack of regulation in the beauty and personal care product industry. Gary explains the upcoming Modernization of Cosmetics Act and how it will impact small, innovative brands. He emphasizes the need for consumers to be vigilant about reading labels and understanding the potential toxins in everyday products. Finally, Gary shares his eye-opening experience of starting an organic farm, illuminating the challenges small farmers face and the value of supporting local, ethical food producers at farmers markets. This episode is a must-listen for anyone seeking to make more informed, healthier choices for themselves and their families. Episode Notes: Concerns around counterfeit and poor quality supplements sold on Amazon and other big box retailers The lack of regulation in the supplement industry and the need for consumer awareness and advocacy Toxins and questionable ingredients in many personal care and beauty products The upcoming Modernization of Cosmetics Act and its impact on the beauty industry Gary's journey of starting an organic farm and the challenges small, ethical farmers face The importance of supporting local farmers markets and being an educated consumer Use code DRG for 20% off your first oder on For more on organic farming, visit === Thank you to our sponsors! Nuzest and use code DRG for 20% off all products. Pique  to get up to 15% off on Pique’s Sungoddess Matcha plus a complimentary beaker and rechargeable frother. Alitura and use code DRG at checkout for 20% off. Momentous and use code DRG for 15%. === Follow Dr. Christian Gonzalez at

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