Episode 017: How do you feel about your spending?

In this  episode, I dive into the intricacies of the spending money mindset, emphasizing the importance of aligning our thoughts with our actions in both professional and personal realms. As high achieving women in leadership positions, understanding the connection between our beliefs and spending habits is pivotal in achieving financial empowerment.

I invite you to examine:

  • your 3 best purchases 
  • your 3 worst purchases 

 and reflect on why you think it is you feel this way. Because each carry profound lessons. By delving into the emotional responses evoked by these purchases and tracing our evolution in the months following, we unravel the significance of financial decisions beyond mere transactions.

How did these help you grow?

In the coming weeks and month, I'd like to encourage you to ponder your spending choices.
Prioritize alignment with you values (listen to episode 15 to learn more about that). 

Whether it's investing in professional development, supporting causes you believe in, or indulging in self-care, each expenditure becomes an opportunity to reinforce your identity and aspirations.

You can use this episode as a guide to cultivate a harmonious relationship with money, ensuring that every expenditure reflects your values, aspirations, and journey towards personal and professional fulfillment.

Thanks for listening today!

I am Virginie Fite-Georgel and I help career changers and young professionals to unearth clarity, cultivate confidence, and unlock their unique potential.

If you want to know more, hop on a free call with me.

You can also share your takeaways with me on social here or there!

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