Elaine Isaak | My Favorite Detective Stories Episode 158

Author and editor Elaine Isaak credits first grade teacher Mrs. Krackhardt for nurturing an early enthusiasm for reading by allowing her to stay inside and read during recess—and she hasn’t looked back! She withdrew from the Rhode Island School of Design, where she was studying sculpture, to pursue her own interests in business and writing.

In addition to the many novels detailed on the Rocinante Books site, her stories have appeared in anthologies ranging from Warrior Women (Prime Books, 2016) to Fantasy for the Throne (Gray Rabbit, 2018).

Elaine had an extensive writing credits to her name in multiple genres both fiction and non-fiction.


Today’s episode is brought to you by John’s full series of crime thrillers available right now. You can get them through Amazon here: https://www.amazon.com/John-A.-Hoda/e/B00BGPXBMM%3Fref=dbs_a_mng_rwt_scns_share  You can also sign up for the newsletter at http://www.JohnHoda.com to get a free copy of John’s new novella Liberty City Nights.

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