Things You Need To Know About Mad Honey *Bonus Buzz* - KM131B

Thanks to Barbara Weber, Carolyn Sloane, Christopher Brown, daniel bokros, Gilbert Ko, Greg Parr, Gudny Hunter, Irene Townshend, John Paff, Justin Bumpstead, Karen Shields, Lisa Morrissey, Malcolm T Sanford, Dan McGivern , Michelle Lassche, Nathan Organ. Thanks for continued support of what we do at kiwimana, we couldn't do this work without your help. We have just released a new Bonus Buzz beekeeping show just for you. As a Christmas Present we are also going to released this Bonus show to Everyone for Christmas!!! This week we are talking about Jars of Honey selling for $1800 and why Mad Honey isn't a great Christmas Present. Links / Resources mentioned this week Rare ultra-high strength manuka honey retails for $1800 Mad honey - The dangers of the Rhododendron Full show notes These notes are a summary of the full show notes. The full show notes includes pictures and more detail information about the show. The full show notes are here:- Thanks Gary and Margaret kiwimana buzz Beekeeping Show

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