Kanye West's The College Dropout with Ego Nwodim

The talented and hilarious - and in another life, AR rep - Ego Nwodim sits down with Deborah and Joel to share her love of (sigh, oh Kanye) Kanye West’s debut album, College Dropout. They talk about how the complexities of the man make it difficult but not impossible to gush over this incredible album. This is what it’s like to mourn for an artist who’s..still alive. Find out what Ego did in the middle of an improv practice years ago that Deborah never forgot. Listen to Joel hit the non existent ‘r’ on “gangsta” so white he turns into Mitt Romney. Deborah reveals the “Summer of Deborah” which leads us to how “look him up, girl!” does not always end well. You’ll also hear what the 100% bonkers (yet most likely) scenario would be if the three of them ever ran into each other in a strip club. You’re invited too! See ya’ll at Magic City! These particular songs are Arcade Fire’s “Wake Up” and “Back on the Chain Gang” by The Pretenders. Subscribe, Listen, Enjoy Rate and Review!

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