Episode 73 - Driving clarity - Most important trait of a leader

Do your team members feel excited and energised to contribute to the change you are leading them to work towards ?Do your team members have clarity of what would it look like once the change is implemented ? If the answer isn’t a clear “Yes” and “Yes, you must listen to this episode as I share why driving clarity in vision is the most important thing you can spend your time, effort, energy on as a leader.And what it’s costing you and team if you are not doing that.Tune in to this episode to know what you are missing out and how to change that to become an effective leader who brings out the best in her people One mistake I see leaders making is they get too involved in the “How” - the details Tune in to this episode to know the one question you can ask to determine what level of detail works best for you to get into. This episode will help you get more focused on what truly matters to be an effective leader Enjoy listening :)If you want to know the gaps in your leadership to get ready for your next leadership role, book your free consultation at www.mindtalesconsulting.com

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