Why do we continue in careers we don't find meaningful? Understanding Status Quo Bias

Why do we continue in careers we don’t find meaningful?  Why do we continue to use old tools and softwares even when there are better alternatives available? Or why are we so afraid of trying something new?  In this 12-minute snippet I unpack The Status Quo Bias, a major problem in our decision making that makes us resistant to change. I explain its underlying causes and two possible ways we can avoid the bias and make better decisions. References for further reading - https://sites.hks.harvard.edu/fs/rzeckhau/status%20quo%20bias.pdf https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/11468377-thinking-fast-and-slow https://fs.blog/2014/02/decision-journal/ Happy Listening and learning And by the way, Would you like to launch your own podcast? Then I’m launching a 8 weeks Online Podcast Coaching Program to help you create your own incredible podcast. I’m hosting a free webinar to help you understand basics of podcasting, challenges in creating a podcast and 8 weeks framework to launch your own podcast. Write to sanjay@thebreakschool.com to register for the next webinar.

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