Oud is Not only for the "3amos" : Clarissa Bitar

Buckle Up is a series of interviews "On The Go" so, Buckle Up a join us for a drive. My 99th guest is Clarissa Bitar is a Palestinian oud musician and composer born, raised, and based in Los Angeles, California. She graduated from UC Santa Barbara with a degree in Music and an emphasis in Ethnomusicology. As a student, Clarissa won multiple awards for excellence in performance in Ethnomusicology and had the privilege of playing around California with the UC Santa Barbara Middle East Ensemble. To further her studies, Clarissa sought out and learned from prominent Arab oudists including Simon Shaheen, Charbel Rouhana, and Bassam Saba. ---------------- Follow HER @:- https://www.instagram.com/clarissabitar/​ Follow Me on www.instagram.com/big_hass/​​​​ Reach Out By Email buckleupdxb@gmail.com

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