SFS 060: The Difference Between Fear and Anxiety (Why it’s CRUCIAL To Know)

Today I talk about the crucial difference between fear and anxiety, and why it's so important for your mental health and well being. Episode highlights: What CAUSES fear and anxiety The KEY difference between anxiety and fear How fear and anxiety can paralyze you and limit your life Fear stops MANY people from going after their dreams and goals How a phobia (intense fear) can be cured in minutes 99% of the time when you feel fear there's NO actual danger Don't Miss a Thing Get every episode automatically! Share the Value If you're enjoying the show, please rate it on iTunes and write a brief review. That would help a lot to spread the word and get more listeners to the podcast. Ask Questions or Provide Feedback To ask questions, request episode topics or provide feedback, email me at DrOrma@DrOrma.com Connect With Me [fb_button]   Follow @drsteveorma Additional Resources Therapy and sleep coaching with me.

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