PHOTO 349: How to photograph strangers with guests Daryl and Judy Ford

How do you achieve compelling shots with total strangers. We chat to Daryl and Judy Ford about: the pros and cons of two creatives living together, how Judy and Daryl used a photo tour guide to help them gain access to subjects living in remote locations, techniques they used to connect with complete strangers. Jude gives us her tips on applying for photographic grants, how they pack for their trips, gear recommendations, and heaps more!  Gina and Valerie hope you enjoy the podcast. Sign up to the newsletter for great tips and free Lightroom presets. Join the dynamic Gold Membership in our Community which delivers monthly tutorials, live mastermind and lots of behind the scenes videos into the creative process. Find out more at Read the show notes Email Gina and Valerie  Visit | See for privacy information.

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