The Pit of Perfectionism and How It Affects Your Pursuit of Marriage (Part 2)

The journey of the Perfectionist to the altar can be a long one.

Today, I’m talking about the standards a perfectionist has for how she should be treated.

There are a few mindsets that are hindering women when they date, meet men, and even after they’re already in a relationship. These mindsets start out as innocent, but if we aren’t careful they become very self-centered.

If you’re a perfectionist and are wondering if some of your thought patterns or beliefs are actually hindering you, please tune in to today’s episode!


Starr’s Resources:
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Starr's Book: The Ineligible Bachelorette: Taking A Hard Look At Why You Haven’t Found The One

7 Questions To Help You Identify Your Standards [Free]:

The 7 Most Common Roadblocks To Love [Free]:

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