How Doubt, Unbelief, and Reasoning Hinder the Power of God In Your Life

Have you ever told yourself, “Well, not everyone gets married!”?

People will say that to remind themselves that they aren’t alone in their singleness. They say it to make themselves feel better and to remain logical, rather than emotional in their desire for marriage. I’m sure there’s many other reasons, but these are the top ones that come to mind.

However, when people say this is triggers an unbelief and doubt that rears it’s ugly head. It would be considered human reasoning. Unbelief, doubt, and reasoning don’t partner well with the power of God.

If we need the power of God in our lives to provide breakthrough, we need to operate in a belief that God is all-powerful and able to perform miracles. But how we we believe that when our mind is filled with human reasoning?

In fact, 2 Corinthians 10:4 in the NLT says this:

We use God’s mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments. We destroy every proud obstacle that keeps people from knowing God. We capture their rebellious thoughts and teach them to obey Christ.

What this is say is that our human reasoning and false arguments actually create a stronghold and are considered a proud obstacle that keep us from knowing God. It also says that those thoughts are considered rebellious and we need to teach them to obey Christ.

Wow! I’ll break this down even more in today’s episode and discuss how to pull down strongholds and see breakthrough in your life!

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Starr's Book: The Ineligible Bachelorette: Taking A Hard Look At Why You Haven’t Found The One

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The 7 Most Common Roadblocks To Love [Free]:

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