Protein Intake and Preventing Muscle Loss w/ Victoria LaFont

If there is one macronutrient that I receive pushback on, it’s protein. That is because it can be hard to increase your protein intake, but that doesn't mean it is without merit to do. If you want to feel good in your body and go throughout the day feeling strong and capable, you need protein, and that's a fact.

Key Takeaways

If You Want to Enjoy the Benefits of Protein, You Should:

  1. Understand the difference between knowledge and implementation when it comes to nutrition science
  2. Find a source of protein that works for you and your unique dietary needs
  3. Focus on balance and creating an atmosphere in which your body can thrive in longevity

The Power of Protein with Victoria LaFont

Victoria LaFont is an opera singer turned scientist. Her nutrition-focused copywriting and coaching have helped hundreds of clinicians go from burnout to career bliss. She is a summa cum laude graduate of the University of Western States with a master’s degree in human nutrition and functional medicine and is passionate about helping women build strength through balanced nutrition and strength training.

Protein is Primary

Protein is incredibly important when it comes to preventing age-related muscle loss, overall health, and longevity. The Latin root of the word protein even means primary, as it is essential to your body's ability to build muscle and function throughout the day. 

Victoria is passionate about letting the research speak for itself. She has seen firsthand how eating a balanced, protein-rich diet, and lifting heavy stuff, has helped women thrive for longer and avoid sarcopenia, or age-related muscle loss. If you want to protect your muscles for as long as possible, protein is the key you have been looking for.

Making Balance Trendy

Victoria's hope is that one day, balance becomes trendy. Women being afraid of their bodies changing is a billion-dollar industry, and the way society projects the way a woman is supposed to look prevents us from having perspective about our own body autonomy. 

Don’t let protein scare you. Instead, work to understand the science, research, and benefits behind protein so that you can bring your body to a place of balance and make decisions about your health based on what is right for your body.

Are you ready to embrace the power of protein? Share your thoughts on this episode with me in the comments on the episode page.

In This Episode

  • Why you need to apply the basics when it comes to sports nutrition (14:28)
  • Learn about sarcopenia and why it is such a growing problem for women (19:31)
  • Debunking common myths around protein and getting back to the research (28:33)
  • How to get started on increasing your protein intake if the numbers scare you (35:17)
  • Tips for focusing on the benefits of protein that have nothing to do with the scale (44:42)


"If we are going through those actions, we have to fuel that, or else we have detrimental outcomes. Not just in the gym but in our life." (16:09)

"I want my feet to stay healthy and I want to put on as much muscle mass as possible before I hit menopause because I want to stay functional as I age." (22:21)

"I hope and pray that balance becomes trendy and sexy and sells a lot of products. Because really that is what we need. And part of that balance is we have to intake enough protein for physiological function." (29:41)

"Most women who are after this formula of increasing dietary protein and picking up some heavy stuff, weight gain, that's the thing you want to see on the scale, but it's so much different than what we have been taught." (48:46)

"My job is to present a balanced point of view to people and support other practitioners who are doing that." (55:56)

Featured on the Show

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