Joint Episode - History of the Papacy Podcast

I'm thrilled to introduce Grey History's first joint episode! Steve Guerra from the History of the Papacy joins me for a fantastic chat about all things Papacy, Church, and French Revolution. We would love to do another discussion in the future, so please send through ideas for possible conversations on topics relating to the Papacy or the Catholic Church in either France or the revolutionary era!

A huge thank you to the Patreon supporters of Grey History! Your support is what makes special episodes like this possible!

Part I - 2:30

The history of the Papacy and the Catholic Church in Europe and in France.

Part II - 28:45

The history of the Church in the French Revolution, the initial relationship between the Church and the Revolutionaries, and where it went all wrong!

Part III - 1:02:22

How the revolution helped to craft the modern Papacy that we're familiar with today!

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