Blockchains and Cryptocurrencies: Power, Potential and Pitfalls

Blockchain technology offers the promise of a new era of secure, decentralized transfer of value on the internet—a future less reliant on trusted intermediaries and gatekeepers. Some have described blockchain as Web 3.0, unlocking the true vision of what the internet was meant to be, where users of applications are also the owners. Despite their recent—and signature—volatility, digital assets have grown into a $2 trillion market that extends well beyond Bitcoin and is attracting entrepreneurs, investors and corporate support at an accelerating rate. There is clearly a lot of innovation both in digital assets—or cryptocurrencies—as well as with the underlying blockchain technology. But how much is legitimate excitement about this revolutionary technology, and how much is inflated exuberance?


To explore the potential, and examine some of the questions hanging over the industry, Brown Advisory’s Sid Ahl sat down with three crypto experts: Joe Lallouz, Founder and CEO of Bison Trails (acquired by Coinbase); Ash Egan, Partner, Accomplice; and Ria Bhutoria, Principal, Castle Island Ventures. 

Be sure to stay tuned for the Brown Advisory investment team’s perspectives, when Erika Pagel, CIO of Sustainable Investing, and Ken Coe, Financial Services Equity Analyst, join Sid (at 51:00) to share their takeaways. 

Mrinalini "Ria" Bhutoria, Principal, Castle Island Ventures

Ash Egan, Partner, Accomplice

Joe Lallouz, CEO, Bison Trails; Partner, Ambush Capital

Sid Ahl, CFA, CIO for Private Client, Endowments and Foundations, Brown Advisory 

Investment Commentary:
Ken Coe, CFA, Equity Research Analyst, Brown Advisory

Erika Pagel, CIO of Sustainable Investing, Brown Advisory

Recommended reading:

Recommended listening: 

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