#3: Self Awareness and Creating an "Interactive" Learning Environment

On this episode of "The Coach's Mind" I break down four core behaviors of self aware soccer coaches and how this impacts the interactions we have with our players on a daily basis! I'll also share a few relatable stories from my coaching experiences that helped me discover these behaviors and better understand how they impacted the learning environment I was trying to create for my players.  If you want the show notes for this episode please click "subscribe to the newsletter" and fill out the info at the bottom of the home page! Also, if you enjoy this episode please rate us or write us a review!

Show Notes:
[1:58] - Core question to consider when creating the learning environment.
[3:48] - Self-awareness defined for coaches.
[5:27] - Example of feedback I received from a mentor that sparked my interest in self-reflection. 
[7:28] - Core behavior #1: Consistency in mood and approachability.
[10:04] - Core behavior #2: Honesty and transparency in your interactions with players.
[13:50] - Core behavior #3: Willingness to acknowledge and share your weaknesses with your players.
[17:11] - Core behavior #4: Knowing your values and living them out daily in the work you do with players.
[23:40] - The benefits of practicing these core behaviors.


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