NXpress Nintendo Podcast 304: Shovel Knight Dig and Taiko no Tatsujin Review!

Never too late to dig in. This week on the NXpress Nintendo PodcastCameron DaxonMarc Kaliroff, and Campbell Gill grab their shovels and don their horned helmets to dive into Yacht Club Games and Nitrome’s latest concoction with an in-depth review of Shovel Knight Dig on Switch! The latest in a long line of Shovel Knight games, Dig takes the platformer in a new direction–namely, down. The hosts gush about this roguelike platformer, which takes all the charm and platforming mastery of the mainline games and successfully translates it to an addictive roguelike formula. Perhaps it doesn’t add as much to the wider Shovel Knight lore as some might hope, but for what it is, the gang agrees: Shovel Knight Dig unearths an excellent new direction for this beloved indie series.

Next up, Marc offers a musical breakdown with a review of Taiko no Tatsujin: Rhythm Festival, the most recent of Bandai Namco’s long-running series of percussive perfection. This game might not reinvent the taiko wheel, but it does double down on everything that has made this series of percussion games so fun: addictive gameplay with a ridiculous amount of crazy songs to play. It even manages to make a subscription model work!

Playlist: LFXIV – NXpress Intro 0:43 – Indie Spotlight: Shovel Knight Dig Review “Spore Judgement” – Shovel Knight Dig 47:00 – Main Event: Taiko no Tatsujin: Rhythm Festival Review “TSUNAGARE! HINOGARE! UCHIAGARE!” – Taiko no Tatsujin

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