478: Sabbatical Episode: Caleb Wojcik On Getting Your First Video Client and Creating Content Without Overthinking

While on our first stop of the sabbatical year in San Diego, I got to visit Caleb Wojcik in his home studio. In addition to this episode, we also recorded an episode with me on the Caleb Wojcik Show which publishes today. Caleb is an incredible filmmaker who has worked with clients like Pat Flynn of Smart Passive Income and ConvertKit (filming their I Am A Blogger series as well as the Craft + Commerce conference). He also filmed our own seanwes conference. Caleb regularly teaches what he’s learned building a successful six-figure client-services business with his podcast, courses, and YouTube channel. In today’s episode, I ask Caleb what he would do to get his first client if he was starting from scratch. If you’re looking to sell your filmmaking services, this episode is for you. Aside from client services, Caleb is also the inventor of SwitchPod. SwitchPod is a minimal, versatile, handheld tripod for vloggers that raised over $400,000 on Kickstarter. We talk about going from client services to physical products and the future of SwitchPod. Caleb recently set up what many would consider to be a dream home video studio in the past couple of years. But like many of us, he still struggles with overthinking content creation and production quality. We talk about some tips for overcoming overthinking and how to make videos more easily.

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